(Disclaimer: what I am about to share is purely for your own pure reading pleasure and is not meant to be taken so seriously and uptight. Relax alright?😊)
So few years ago, the paper value of car ownership skyrocket to insane levels. Prior to that, I owned new small humble 1.1 litre Getz that cost me $200+ per month. After driving it for about 4 years, life changed, got married, settled down and due to our new life arrangements, I sold away the getz and got myself a sedan which i drove for about 2 years(COE was already expensive and was about to blast off to greater heights 😂) before selling it away and going public.
Many asked me why I sold the car away when everyone else is holding on dearly to theirs. Yes, i actually did a lot of thinking comparing the pros and cons of having and not having a car.
Annnnd in this post, let me share with you what has changed in my life after going public for more than 2 years:
*Reminder - this is just me and my life, so please please please don't compare my needs to yours. Others may need a car due to many other important valid reasons and I respect that. We all should.
Owning a Car
- Having my own car. Obviously.
- I get to go anywhere and anytime of the day.
- I get to transport and move things on my own when i have to.
- I can bring my family out in a jiff!
- not to worry when it comes to a rainy day!
- A huge chunk of my pay goes to the car installment and it's other neccessities like petrol, season parking, hourly parking 😢, the ever infamous ERP 😢😢😢, Road Tax, Insurance, maintenance.
- I can only smell my bonus cause it always go to the car spendings above.
- After walking around town with my family, we have to walk back to where the car is parked. Imagine parking at far east plaza, walking to 313 and having to walk back to where the car is.
- Driving it, which can be tiring. Compounded by heavy and stressful traffic and unforgiving
Going Public
- No more spendings on Car! Yeay!
- Enjoy Cabbing everywhere as and when we want. Machiam having chauffer lidat - at the fraction cost of owning a car.
- Still have cash in hand after the above.
- The freedom to bring my family on holidays -irregardless near or far! See the world!
- Getting to rest while on rides in the cab or buses.
- No more long walks back to the carpark because we can just flag or book a cab from virtually anywhere.
- Teaching my little boy to appreciate public transport. He loves train and bus rides.
- You are subjected to choosy cab drivers unless you book for them or use Grab or UberX.
- Rainy days = travel by bus or trains because cabs are hard to get.
- Out with the ignorant drivers. In with the ignorant commuters 😂😂😂. Still, it is not as bad as bad you encounter on our roads.
- The chances of getting stucked in a train breakdown is real.
- Public transport fares are inching up every year - still not as expensive as car ownership. Beggars can't be choosers they say. 😐
So yeap. There you have it. MY Pros and Cons. Will I want to own a car again in the future? - Only if the costs of it makes sense. But again, with all the headaches that comes with it - Most probably not.
I am much happier without a car here in Singapore - So is my family.
If you are one of those who are contemplating on giving up your car and are in the same boat as me, I hope this post helps you to make a better decision. Somehow.
Lastly, remember, to any decisions that you make, there will be the pros and cons. Decide carefully to what suit your needs.
*I have no affiliations with any gahmen or party hor! This is just my life's decision. So please dont't politicalize my post. If you ain't got nothing nice to say, then don't say anything.😊*
P.s: Hope the Damn Motorcycle COE for class 2B and 2A drops though. Dafuq is it doing so high up?! (Another post another day - if i'm not lazy)
Love your family, love your life and enjoy the weekends!